Rock Alley Action Team


Meeting Minutes: Monday, December 19th, 2011


1. Landscape designer to lay out the trail–Phil has developed a contact at PennDot and the city

a. We need to do a feasibility study

b. Who has the city used for bike paths in the past?

c. Macken and Gateway are the companies used for the bike paths

d. Lenard Recor & Amanda Parcell (Chief Engineer- DPW)

e. See if Lenard Recor (from the city) can do the survey for us

2. OPDC could be most effective by

a. Have the feasibility study

b. $20,000 for the study–quoted from Macken Construction

c. CDCP can maybe fund this

d. We should have a meeting with them in the new year, bring them down to the site.

e. Fundraising for the bike trail

3. Duquesne Light (DL)

a. Putting in electrical conduit on Maurice street

b. Electrical, sewage, water under Maurice street

c. They have an easement to fix the conduit

d. There is a drain that may be in the way

4. PennDot, Duquesne Light, and the City didn’t know what was going on

a. See if we can get our hands on PennDot’s plans to see if we can modify them

b. Phil is going to call the guy at PennDot to ask the range of what they are going to do and see if they can rebuild it in a way that benefits our project

c. PennDot closed the tunnel because of the graffiti and the knocked out lights

d. We can try to include a mural and stronger light fixtures for the tunnel

5. RFP

a. Macken provided sample RFP’s for feasibility studies

b. Document current issues that have arisen (pretty much the same as the RFP)

6. Find someone to take charge of the Finance Committee

a. Sam and Michael can work with this person

b. We have some leads (Google Grants, CDCP)

c. The City has money for bike and walking trails, but it has been distributed for the next 3 years

7. What are the boundaries for these properties?

a. Are the paper streets a part of the greenway?

b. There are streets that run off of Hodge Street

c. We need to have a list of all the easements on these properties.

8. Invitees

a. Justin Miller (City Planning)

b. Jonathan Gesinski (PennDot) – thought it was a pretty feasible project

c. Steve Patchen (City Bike and Trail) – has resources for Grant Writing

d. Lenard Recor, Senior Surveyor (Public Works) – keep Pat Hasset in the loop too

e. Mavis Rainey (OTMA) – Email Mavis to stay in the loop

f. Eric Boerer (BikePGH)

g. Bill Waddell- started the greenway for all of South Oakland

h. Will be meeting with Justin Miller 1/4/12, and possibly Amanda Parcell

i. Call Justin and say we want to reroute/refine the current path and who else should we invite (someone from DPW?)

9. Expanding the group to broader Oakland trails

a. Phil would like to do Brady Street trail

b. Brady Street elevation is approx 20-40 ft

c. Using existing streets

10. Next Meeting: Evening meeting at CHS