Misaligned Sidewalk at the Birmingham Bridge Entrance
Looking across the Forbes Avenue entrance ramp to the Birmingham Bridge, one can see an almost identical set of problems as along the exit ramp:
- Although required by ADA compliance, there is no curb cut on either the east or west side of this entrance ramp.
- Although a pedestrian crosswalk is painted here, it does not line up with the sidewalk. As with the exit ramp, this crosswalk is in the right location to line up with the new sidewalk across the brush-covered area pictured above.
- As with the crossing at the exit ramp, the pedestrian crossing indicators that are installed do not line up with the sidewalk. When the sidewalk is moved, these crossing indicators should be moved accordingly.
- Also pictured is the entrance to the bike path onto the Birmingham Bridge. It is good to have the bicycle lanes painted on the bridge, but without the needed improvements made to the sidewalks and curbs, there is no way for bicyclists to safely access these routes.