Rock Alley – Connecting Oakland to the Eliza Furnace Trail


July 28, 2011


Attendance: 9


Meeting Minutes

Trail Concepts:

  • Friends of the Riverfront sent costs to develop the trails that exist along the riverfronts.
  • Security Issues around the tunnels were discussed. These are valid and important issues that we will have to figure out how to address when the time comes.


  • Love your block grant — $500 for an entrance to the greenway. Phil Garrow brought a design for the entrance. Other ideas to incorporate include bulletin boards and educational trail signs.
  • Peoples Garden Grant Program – opportunity to apply for educational trail signs. Deferred to the Fundraising committee to evaluate and possibly apply.


  • Rock Alley
  • Connecting Oakland to the Eliza Furnace Trail
  • Rock alley is the name of a former street that went through the greenway.

Next meeting:

  • Bring content for website and press kit
  • Committees will meet during the meeting and report out at the end.